_MG_0604 _MG_2107 _MG_2170


「岡山県 備前市 伊部」と呼ばれている地域で、「備前焼」の生産がはじまるのは、今から800年



 Introduction of BIZEN-yaki (ware)

“BIZEN-yaki(ware)” manufacturing in the region now given the name “Imbe, Bizen, Okayama prefecture” dates back 800 years ago, the end of Heian Era (12th century).  Bizen wares were born from a primitive and simple process from which the clay wasdug, and then fired.

Consequently, each of those stages has held a highly significant meaning. Within the ware:s appearanceit:s changes remain and it can indeed truly be considered to be a piece that encompasses the beauty and power of nature and the earth. “Hiyose” clay, which is in the bed of clay at the bottom of rice fields in Imbe. It is the main material of Bizen ware. “Mountain clay” is occasionally used depending on pottery types or potters’ preferences.  “Clay” makes very important contributions to the final quality.  In burning process, split pine trees are used in most situations. Pottery works are stored in a kiln for about 2 weeks and the inside temperature rises up to more than 1,200 degrees in a slow manner. Long-time burning process, natural glaze (ash) attached to works in the process and flames create a variety of changes in color, glaze, design and so forth.


How to use

We’d like to ask you to take a little care before using Bizen ware, Please dip the piece of Bizen ware into water before use.

especially when putting anything oily on on dishes or plates . you really should be sure to dip it as you can prevent oils or smells from penetrating the piece. In addition, the color of the Bizen ware will become still brighter and show the appearance beautifully, too. We suggest that you wash as soon as possible after using. Please wash with a detergent after you have used with oily food. Please wash well and dry thoroughly. We suggest that you put away piece after drying well. Please avoid use of a microwave oven if possible. Please do not use direct fire.

Bizen ware will look more beautiful as you use it.more



備前焼の器をお使い頂く上で少し注意して頂く必要がございます 備前焼の器はお使い頂く前に、お水に浸して下さい。特に油ものをのせるお皿等では、お水で濡らすことにより、油分や臭い移りを防ぎます。 また見た目も色が一層鮮やかになり美しく見えます。 使い終わりましたら、出来るだけ早めに洗って下さい。 油ものの際は洗剤をお使い下さい。 よく洗い、よく乾かして下さい。 完全に乾きましたら、食器棚へ収納して下さい。 電子レンジはなるべく使用を避けて下さい。直接火にかけないでください。

備前は使えば使うほど良くなります。 それを是非、ご自身で体験して頂きたく存じます